London Southend Airport

SEN/EGMC Information

ATC services are provided 0600-0130.

Tower frequency: 127.730

A Lower Airspace Radar Service (LARS) is also made available by the airport to aircraft flying in the Southend area whilst not in controlled airspace. The hours for this service are 0900-1800 local time.

  • Our London Southend Handling staff have access to European Charts, text forecasts, satellite images, rainfall Radar, TAF's, METARs and Aerodrome Colour States. We also have AFTN Telex for direct access to worldwide METAR and TAF databanks. We are in regular telephone and fax communication with the UK Meteorological Office. We will also supply weather information obtainable from internet sources if required.

  • Information and all the forms on APD are available from HMRC

    Should operators have any questions then you can call: call the APD Helpdesk on 03000 533575 or email

    Alternatively London Southen Jet Centre will do their best to find out further information if required.

  • Information regarding the status of the Danger Area 138 Complex to the east of Southend (see AIP chart AD 2-EGMC-4-1) is provided by ATC. Pilots are responsible for maintaining safe separation from the Danger Area Complex and shall advise ATC prior to taking off if an alternative clearance is required. It should be noted that Runway 05 departures to the south have the greatest risk of Danger Area incursion.

  • All aircraft weighing over 5700kg must follow a straight departure heading for 2.5 miles when departing towards the south west (over Leigh-on-Sea) and 1 mile when departing towards the north east (over Rochford). This applies during the night time and day time periods.

    Please ensure that all of your pilots are familiar with our Noise Abatement procedures which are in the UK AIP. Please note that there is a mechanism in place to fine operators who breach our NPR.

  • During the night period 23:00 – 06:30 only aircraft classified with a Quota Count of 1 (QC) or less are permitted to take-off or land. Aircraft are assigned quota count (QC) classifications as shows below.

    Aircraft are classified separately for take-off and landing.

    Schedules showing the QC classification of individual aircraft are published twice a year by the CAA.

    Please also note: Private helicopters are banned from operating during the night period.

  • Operators of all aircraft using the aerodrome shall ensure at all times that aircraft are operated in a manner calculated to cause the least disturbance practicable in the areas surrounding the aerodrome. The following procedures and routeings apply to all aircraft whether landing or taking off or making a missed approach in either VMC or IMC.

    Aircraft of more than 5.7 tonnes Maximum Certified Weight:

    1. When departing Runway 05 shall climb straight ahead until a range of 1 DME (I-SO or I-ND) and an altitude of 1500ft is reached before turning;

    2. When departing Runway 23 shall climb straight ahead until a range of 2.5 DME (I-SO or I-ND) and an altitude of 1500 ft is reached before turning;

    3. Between 2300-0630 (winter), 2200-0530 (summer), Noise limits, Noise Quotas and limitations on the number and types of aircraft accepted apply. Operators wishing to operate within this period must seek prior approval from the airport. Civil Helicopters not normally permitted.

    4. The airport operates a Preferred Runway Usage Scheme as follows: Subject to over-riding Pilot and ATC safety/ performance and separation requirements, whenever the tailwind component is 5 kt or less, the preferred runway for departures is Runway 05, and for arrivals is Runway 23.

  • London Southend Airport's Fire and Rescue service is fully approved by the CAA. Full 24-hour cover is provided by fully trained aviation fire-fighters supported by three appliances with media capability up to and including Fire Category 7 available 24/7.

    RFFS CAT 7 H24

    Please contact if fire upgrades are required or for more information.

  • London Southend Airport has achieved Airport Carbon Accreditation. Airport Carbon Accreditation is the only institutionally-endorsed, global carbon management certification programme for airports. It independently assesses and recognises the efforts of airports to manage and reduce their carbon emissions through a structured programme.

    – Learn more

  • London Southend Jet Centre:

    +44 (0) 1702 538 600

    London Southend Airport:

    Air Traffic Control: +44 (0) 1702 538 420

    Fire Service: +44 (0) 1702 538 401

    Link to NATS IAIP Southend EGMC

    Download Airport Safety Information (PDF)